Speaking, Writing, Teaching
Bruce F. Webster, Principal and founder of BFWA, has extensive international experience over 35 years in explaining information technology, including giving lectures, teaching on a university level, making presentation, and authoring books and articles. Examples include the following:
- Congressional Testimony: Webster has testified three times before the U.S. House of Representatives.
- Private Conferences and Briefings: Webster has made (by invitation) presentations to private conferences of the U.S. intelligence agencies, the World Bank, and U.S. Congressional staff members. He has held, at the request of the U.S. government, private briefing sessions on IT issues with representatives of other countries. He has participated in private conferences at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. And he has done internal corporate briefings and presentations on key IT topics for major corporations in finance, telecommunications, and aerospace.
- Public Conferences and Lectures: Webster has spoken and made presentations at a wide variety of conferences and other venues in the United States, Japan, Central America, Russia, and the Middle East. These include: Mealey’s IT Systems Failure Conference (co-chair and lead speaker); ABA Section on Litigation Winter Leadership Conference; Mealey’s Internet Law Conference; Blue Cross/Blue Shield Millennium Solutions Conference; National Association of Securities Dealers Conference; University of Chicago Graduate School of Business Annual Management Conference; MBA National Technology in Mortgage Banking Conference; and several ObjectWorld and Software Development Conferences.
- Teaching: Webster is currently (2017) teaching an upper-division course on Software Engineering for the Brigham Young University Computer Science Department. He taught there previously for two years.
- Books: Webster has authored four books on information technology (The NeXT Book, Pitfalls of Object-Oriented Development, The Art of ‘Ware, and The Y2K Survival Guide) and contributed to two others (The Way Things Work: Computers and The Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary).
- Articles: Webster published over 150 articles and reviews dealing with information technology, mostly in the 1980-1992 time period, for publications such as BYTE and Macworld. In 2000, while at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Webster researched and wrote a white paper on patterns in IT systems failure litigation over a 25-year period, then subsequently wrote articles for the ABA Computer & Internet Litigation Journal and Mealey’s Cyber-Tech Litigation Journal based on that same research. Most recently, Webster co-authored (with Ruby Raley) “The Longest Yard: Reorganizing IT for Success” for Cutter IT Journal (Vol. 19, No. 9, September 2006). Webster also wrote for two years as an IT management columnist (”Surviving Complexity“) for the online version of Baseline.
BFWA offers speaking and briefing services, as well as assistance in writing and editing effective proposals, document, and manuals. Contact us at 303.502.4141 or info@bfwa.com if we might be of help to you.