Pitfall: Overselling the technology or methodology.
[From Pitfalls of Modern Software Engineering by Bruce F. Webster (forthcoming)]
CATEGORIES: political
It’s easy to get excited about a particular technology or methodology (the “TOM”). More often than not, they represent a real advance in software engineering, solving — or at least easing — problems that you face on a regular basis. And we all know just how tough software development can be.
However, enthusiasm for the TOM, particularly for individuals relatively new at it or with a vested interest in its adoption, may lead them to give glowing descriptions of its wonders and benefits to you and others. TOM proponents may make these comments in all sincerity and innocence. Or they may make them with the knowledge that they are stretching the truth a bit or perhaps rupturing it altogether. But whether they know that what they’re saying is accurate is, to a point, immaterial: when reality intrudes, the results will be the same, and their lack of knowledge or their lack of accuracy will convict them equally.
There are two phases. First, the people who have been oversold on a given TOM start to express expectations of the TOM that make you increasingly uncomfortable; you may find yourself starting to downplay things a bit. Second, as problems start to pile up, there are growing questions, doubts, and expressions of mistrust and cynicism.
Those who trusted what they were told will feel betrayed; those who did not will feel justified. In either case, both the reputation and the influence of those doing the overselling will shrink, and it will be a long, hard road to recovery.
Sit down with a sheet of paper and write every promise, hope, and expectation that you or others have made in the name of the TOM in question. Ask yourself how supportable or valid each is. If you have questions about your ability to judge this, find someone who knows more about the TOM than you do and ask them for help evaluating how supportable or valid each point is. Ask yourself whether you’ve succumbed to wishful thinking.
If you or others have oversold the TOM in question, you need to start readjusting expectations immediately. It is probably best to do it in one massive reset than to do it piecemeal — a single sword thrust is, in the end, less painful than a thousand paper cuts. As Fred Brooks says, “Take no small slips.” But it’s going to take a long time to reestablish your credibility, which is why it is so critical to avoid this pitfall in the first place.
Several times in this book you will find the recommendation to underpromise and overdeliver. Believe it and make sure that others believe it. If you have questions about your ability to judge, then bring in two or three experts to consult and weigh their opinions.
On the other hand, if you knowingly oversell, telling yourself that you can manage things down the road, you will almost certainly be wrong. Resist that temptation. It will always get you into trouble, and your own integrity will be diminished. It’s just not worth it.
Webster, from Pitfalls of Object-Oriented Development (1995).
About the Author: bfwebster